To support coaches in delivering enjoyable and engaging learning experiences for their students/athletes.
Every student/athlete arrives to their training and games feeling excited and safe to come and learn, and leaves inspired to come back better.
Better coaches leads to better programs.
Better programs create better people.
Better people make better athletes.
Individual Coach and Player Development Consultancy

A comprehensive coach and player development service, focusing on the design of practice sessions, analysis of coach behaviours, and creating effective learning environments. I will work with you to create a tailored program that will help you and your athletes reach your full potential, as well as reflecting on your coaching performances and identify areas for improvement.
Design Audit

I can provide a learning design audit of your training sessions based on the principles of athlete-centred, active learning, concise communication and challenge that is optimal for each athlete's skill level. This helps to ensure that athletes get the maximum amount of active learning time to help them reach their individual goals.
Coaching Support

Providing comprehensive club-wide or school-wide long-term or short-term support to ensure your coaches have the necessary skills and resources to bring out the best in their athletes. Bespoke support, in the form of 1) developing a community of practice, where coaches can learn from each other and share best practices; 2) develop coaching resources to help create a positive and successful learning environment; or 3) coaching workshops online or in-person.
Practice Design and Coaching Behaviour Breakdown

Our video analysis service provides coaches with objective data and insights to help them improve their performance. Through our deep understanding of sport science, skill acquisition, we are able to offer detailed coaching analysis based on video footage to give coaches the tools they need to help their athletes reach their goals.
Development Consultancy

Centred on improving movement competency, speed, energy system development, and agility. I understand that every athlete is different, through tailored programming to meet the individual needs of each athlete. I am highly experienced with developing and performance athletes and passionate about helping athletes become the best they can be.

I can offer bespoke educational sports science workshops for all sorts of groups, both online and in person. The education can be tailored for any scenario, providing individuals, teams and organisations looking to improve their knowledge and performance with a custom-fitted educational experience.